Academic & Career Planning (ACP) Vision & Goals
School District of Wild Rose ACP site
Academic and Career Planning, or ACP, is a student-driven, adult-supported process in which students create and cultivate their own individualized, information-based visions for post-secondary success, obtained through self-exploration, career exploration, and the development of career management and planning skills. The ACP is a 4 part process of KNOW, EXPLORE, PLAN, AND GO which students develop throughout Middle School and High School. We will be facilitating the use of Career Cruising in the exploration and planning process for our students.
Wild Rose believes that:
All students should be ready for college and/or career by the time they graduate from high school.
All work is valuable work.
Success is determined by each individual student.
Finding a career is a journey that continues through a lifetime.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (https://dpi.wi.gov/acp/rule) in the PI-26 legislation requires public school districts to provide Academic and Career Planning services to students in grades 6 through 12. The purpose of PI-26 Education for Employment programs is to prepare elementary and secondary pupils for employment, to promote cooperation between business and industry and public schools, and to establish a role for public schools in the economic development of Wisconsin.
Communication with parents regarding Academic and Career Planning
The Wild Rose School District Counseling staff and ACP Advisors will contact parents regularly throughout the year regarding student progress. ACP and School Counseling websites are another form of communication with parents and the community regarding ACP and Counseling programming.
Wild Rose School District Academic and Career Planning strategic mission: Provide students in Wild Rose with the appropriate tools and resources to research/select viable career choices and pathways that combine the student’s strengths, interests, and job market trends.
Vision Planning
Setting reviewing and revision goals.
Career clusters and pathways exploration
Career research and connections
Personal reflection
Post secondary options exploration
Family engagement and community partnerships
Identifying Goals of ACP
Increase student engagement in the classroom
Provide relevant instruction that correlates the curriculum to real world applications.
Provide relevant community connections
Increase focus on the student’s post high school plan
Assist student in making community, job, career, and educational connections.
Shared vision
Sequence by Grades:
6th & 7th Grade - Will have an introduction to Career Clusters using Career Cruising
8th Grade - Will take career assessments and interest surveys
9th Grade - Review and Revise ACP in Social Studies
10th Grade - Career Choices Course with Pathways and Community engagement FVTC visit
11th Grade - ACP review with the guidance department, students, and parents.
12th Grade - Personal Living Skills Review ACP